
5 Science-Proven Methods to Improve Your Memory

People with a strong memory have a superiority, especially in career and work. Therefore, many people try to increase their “memory capacity”. In theory, the human brain’s memory has unlimited storage capacity. However, it needs to be improved.

What is Memory?

Memory is a mental capacity that allows us to preserve and store facts, events, impressions, and recall when we need them. A strong memory is one of the basic prerequisites for professional or academic success. More importantly, memory is a skill that we can train over time. There are 7 basic science-proven methods for improving memory.

Science-Proven Methods

1) Keep learning!

The most basic way to improve memory is to continue learning. Hundreds of studies show us that those who continue to read and learn maintain long-term memory and mental endurance. Just as a footballer becomes more successful with training, the human mind and memory become stronger as they process.

The best way to strengthen the human mind and memory is by processing the mind constantly by reading and acquiring new ideas and information. Every day a poem, news, reading a short section from the work of a famous writer or even counting random numbers sharpens our minds and strengthens our memory.

2) Write in the handwriting!

Since the discovery of computers and mobile devices, writing has become an almost infrequent act. These devices quite facilitate our tasks, but they do not increase the capacity of our memory, on the contrary, they cause forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and confusion.

On the other hand, handwriting activates the brain’s functions and makes the brain neurons more active.

3) Read the book aloud!

A study at the University of Waterloo discovered that people remember everything when they read aloud. Reading aloud is an excellent activity because it forces us to think about the true meaning of the text we read.

4) Coffee!

Coffee increases the endurance of brain cells by increasing cognitive skills. According to the results of a study published in the Journal of Nature Neuroscience, after a learning process to drink coffee helps strengthen long-term memory immediately.

5) Visualize!

When we visualize, our brain records an object faster and stores it in our memory for longer. It is, therefore, easier to remember everything we visualize in our minds. You can improve your memory in a short time by using visualization techniques which is a memory strengthening technique. Just picture whatever you want with colors and shapes that you want to remember.

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