
How to Overcome Stress and Anxiety

According to psychologists, there are two types of stress; acute and chronic. Acute stress is short-term stress, and it arises with some challenges in our lives. Chronic stress is long-term stress, and it can last for years.

Chronic stress is the main cause of mental illnesses, especially depression. Stress and anxiety can cause oxidation in cells, leading to health problems such as depression, heart attack and cancer. Stress and anxiety also increase the level of acid in the body. It leads to the reproduction of harmful bacteria and causes diseases.

You can reduce the effects of stress and anxiety in your life and protect your body against depression and serious health problems by trying some effective methods.

1. Social Support

The best way to deal with stress and anxiety is to chat with someone. Scientific researchers have proved that getting social support reduces stress.

2. Humor

Laughter is one of the most effective ways that balance stress hormones. Watching a comedy movie every day helps to relieve stress by reducing tension and protects us against mental illnesses like depression.

3. Spending Time Outside

If you are looking for the treatment of chronic stress, spending time outside is the best medicine. One of the most effective advices given by psychologists is an environmental change for chronic stress.

4. Exercise

According to researches, daily exercise relieves anxiety symptoms by balancing stress hormones. Especially outdoors exercise programs reduce the high cortisol levels in the body as fresh air increases the oxygen level in the brain. Regular exercises outdoors prevent diseases like depression and even relieve symptoms of depression. Activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming only 30 minutes outdoors every day will enable you to deal with stress and anxiety more easily.

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